

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Pemrosesan Ore dan Rare Ore di RF ONLINE

Ore adalah barang tambang yang bisa di dapatkan dari tambang di Crag Mine ataupun UMMT. Untuk Ore di Grag Mine hanya ada 3 tingkatan yaitu +1, +2, +3. Sementara yang ada pada UMMT adalah +4, Ore +4 bisa juga di dapatkan dari dropan PitBoss di Crag Mine
Bentuk UMMT (Unmanned Mining Tool)
Bentuk Pitboss yang Dropannya Tier dan Ore

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tutorial Menghilangkan Inline Css Dari Kode Iklan AdSense

Loading ketika pemuatan halaman web seringkali terbebani oleh kode iklan terutama kode iklan yang mengandung banyak inline css, kita semua mungkin sudah tahu bahwa inline css pada setiap elemen html apapun di situs web akan memberikan sedikit hambatan pada saat pemuatan halaman web. Untuk itu disini saya akan memberikan sedikit pengetahuan tentang bagaimana cara menghilangkan inline css khusus nya inline css yang ada pada html kode iklan AdSense.Memang kita tidak bisa menghilangkan semua permasalahan perenderan yang disebabkan oleh inline css pada kode iklan adsense, karena sejatinya kita tidak punya akses yang luas untuk mengelola script, css dan kode html iklan adsense.
Tetapi setidaknya meskipun sedikit yang bisa kita akses, inline css pada kode iklan adsense tetap harus dihilangkan demi mengutamakan kelancaran pemuatan halaman web.
  • Apakah boleh mengedit dan merubah kode iklan adsense?
  • Apakah merubah kode iklan adsense akan menyebabkan pelanggaran kebijakan (FAQ) adsense?
  • Apakah merubah kode iklan adsense akan menyebabkan banned?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas mungkin ada dibenak kalian terutama publisher yang baru saja bermitra dengan adsense, untuk menghilangkan keraguan anda dalam melakukan eksperimen dengan kode iklan adsense maka saya akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas sebelum kita sampai ke experiment yang sesungguhnya yaitu menghilangkan inline css dari kode iklan adsense.
Jawaban dari tiga pertanyaan di atas akan saya rangkum menjadi satu jawaban yang kongkrit dengan bukti valid. Google adsense tidak melarang publisher untuk bereksperimen (merubah kode iklan) selama eksperimen tersebut masih sesuai dengan kebijakan adsense. Lihat pedoman kebijakan adsense mengenai pengeditan kode iklan adsense.
Jika sebelumnya kamu telah membaca semua pedoman kebijakan adsense maka lewati langkah itu, dan kita mulai tutorial cara menghilangkan inline css pada kode iklan adsense. Berikut adalah kode standar iklan adsense. Cek Link nya DISINI
Sebelum menghapus kode inline css pada iklan adsense yang harus dilakukan pertama sekali adalah menambahkan class name baru pada elemen ins (tag pembuka ins). Class name baru boleh menggunakan kombinasi huruf dan angka misalnya “iklan_sidebar336“. Sehingga kode iklan adsense akan menjadi seperti berikut. Cek Kode nya DISINI
Setelah class name baru ditambahkan, silakan hapus kode inline css nya yaitu: Cek Disini
Sehingga kode iklan adsense menjadi seperti yang terlihat berikut ini Cek Disini
Notes: Penambahan class name yang lebih baik adalah menggunakan kata dengan bahasa inggris dan tidak mengarahkannya ke kata kunci tertentu.
Langkah itu belum selesai, selanjutnya anda harus mengganti kode inline css yang dihapus dengan kode internal css (non-inline) dan menambahkannya ke kumpulan internal css di dalam html template web anda. Jika kamu menggunakan platform blogger kode css ditambahkan tepat di atas kode ]]></b:skin>.
Kode Internal Css (Non-inline) = Cek Disni
Saya harap artikel ini dapat memberikan pemahaman yang baik dalam bereksperimen dengan kode iklan adsense seperti menghilangkan atau merubah inline css menjadi internal css. Prinsip dasarnya google adsense tidak terlalu membatasi keleluasaan publisher dalam melakukan eksperimen asal masih dalam batas yang wajar yang sesuai dengan kebijakan adsense.
Eksperimen ini benar-benar telah admin terapkan di situs ini, untuk melihat kebenarannya silahkan lihat view source halaman ini dengan menekankan tombol Ctrl + U atau melalui link dengan format view-source:url_halaman.
Kode iklan adsense pada bagian halaman dan sidebar website benar-benar tidak menggunakan inline css, semua sudah di conversi dari inline ke internal css. Selamat mencoba dan sampai jumpa kembali di eksperimen-eksperimen adsense yang akan datang.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Apakah Seo itu penting untuk blogger?

Apakah seo itu masih penting bagi blog atau website? Sedanngkan website-website dan blog-blog besar sudah berkuasa dan mulai mengambil beberapa niche-niche andalan, bahkan website berita pun sekarang sudah melenceng dari topik berita dan mengambil niche-niche andalan blog-blog kecil.
Banyak blogger-blogger kecil yang menyerah dan malas mengurus blognya karena persaingan di halaman pertama google search atau page one, bahkan sudah tidak bisa dianggap persaingan tetapi lebih menuju ke yang besar akan tambah besar dan yang kecil akan semakin terkucilkan dari mesin pencari google. Berbeda dengan beberapa tahun yang lalu saat website-website berita belum melenceng dari topiknya dan belum mengambil niche-niche yang diandalkan oleh blogger-blogger kecil bagaimana masuk page one masih cukup mudah.
Selain itu di jaman sekarang google juga sudah sering melakukan update algoritma dan banyak artikel-artikel yang terkena de-index dan tidak muncul di google. Serta blog-blog yang memiliki usia lebih tua atau memiliki aged domain akan lebih mudah masuk ke page one dibandingkan dengan blog-blog baru. Maka dari itu tamatekno akan mengupas seberapa penting seo bagi blog anda, namun sebelum membahas seberapa pentingnya seo anda harus mengetahui cara kerja seo terlebih dahulu.

Cara Kerja Seo

Seo atau “Search Engine Optimization” adalah sebuah strategi yang biasa digunakan oleh para blogger untuk mengoptimasi blog miliknya untuk bisa masuk ke halaman pertama pencarian google atau page one google search.
Seo terdiri dari 2 jenis yaitu seo on-page dan seo off-page, keduanya sangat penting dan harus anda optimasi agar blog anda mampu bersaing di mesin pencari google. Seo On-Page merupakan teknik yang dilaknukan dengan cara mengoptimasi halaman blog anda seperti kecepatan loading page, penerapan keyword dan long tail keyword, konten berkualitas, penyusunan kata-kata, dan tampilan blog yang mobile friendly(responsif). Sedangkan Seo Off-PageMerupakan teknik seo yang memanfaatkan linkin domain atau yang sering dikenal dengan backlink dari blog lain atau website lain untuk mendongkrak ranking blog anda.
Anda perlu menggabungkan kedua teknik seo tersebut agar blog anda mampu bersaing di mesin pencari google, Dan jika anda serius dan mahir menerapkan seo ke blog anda maka anda akan mudah masuk ke halaman pertama pencarian google ( page one ). Anda perlu belajar dan memahami seo dengan baik agar anda mahir dan untuk belajar seo hingga mahir anda memerlukan waktu yang tidak singkat, bahkan anda perlu belajar bertahun-tahun agar anda mahir seo. Anda juga membutuhkan pemahaman secara teknis mengenai hosting, website, domain, html, css, javascript, php, dan bahsa pemrograman lainya.

Mengapa seo itu penting untuk diterapkan oleh blogger

Untuk menyesuiakan perkembangan teknologi dan persaingan yang semakin berat maka penerapan seo sangat penting untuk mendongkrak peringkat blog anda agar blog anda mampu bersaing di halaman pertama pencarian google. Penerapan seo yang baik akannmembuat blog anda mudah dikenalo oleh google dan memudahkan blog anda masuk ke pageone karena dianggap relevan dan diberi kepercayaan oleh google.
Banyak juga orang-orang yang menganggap bahwa seo itu tidak penting, yang penting perbanyak artikel saja dan buat artikel panjang diatas 600 kata itu sudah cukup. Itu adalah pendapat yang salah kaprah, Artikel yang banyak dan panjang saja tidak cukup untuk membut blog anda masuk ke page one, Karena artikelo yang panjang juga merupakan bagian dari seo. Memang artikel yang panjang lebih direkomendasikan dan lebih baik daripada artikel-artikel pendek, namun anda juga harus menerapkan semua Teknik seo baik seo off page dan seo on page dengan baik jika anda ingin  blog anda berkembang.
Buang jauh-jauh pikiran buruk anda tentang seo, anda harus sabar saat anda menerapkan seo di blog anda karena semuanya butuh proses hingga efek penerapan seo di blog anda mulai terasa. Bayangkan saja blog yang sudah menerapkan seo saja masih kalah sama blog besar dan blog aged apalagi blog yang tidak menerapkan seo sama sekali, pasti akan tenggelam dan tidak mampu bersaing. Dan berikut akan saja jelaskan apakah website atau blog dapat berkembang tanpa seo atau tidak.

Apakah website atau Blog bisa berkembang tanpa SEO?

Sebuah Blog atau Website tidak akan mungkin bisa berkembang jika tidak menerapkan seo. Mengapa demikian? Di Era Teknologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini banyak orang-orang yang mencari informasi melalui google, Jadi anda perlu menerapkan seo dengan baik di blog atau website anda agar blog anda mampu bersaing di mesin pencari google.
Kenapa si yang dibahas mesin pencari google terus, kan kita bisa mendapatkan traffic dari sosmed atau mesin pencari lain seperti yahoo, duckduckgo dan masih banyak lagi kan. Jawabanya adalah karena mesin pencari google adalah mesin pencari terbesar di dunia deengan penggunanya yang paling banyak, sehingga jika anda berhasil menguasai mesin pencari google maka blog anda anda akan sukses dan berkembang dengan cepat.
Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa seo adalah sebuah strategi yang sangat krusial dan jangan sampai anda melewatkan atau jangan sampai anda tidak menerapkan seo di blog anda, bahkan 50% marketer di dunia mengatakan bahwa seo merupakan sebuah strategi yang sangat efektif.

Keuntungan menerapkan strategi SEO

Buat anda blogger baru atau yang baru turun di dunia blogger dan anda masih ragu untuk menerapkan seo di blog dapat membuat blog anda maju maka anda harus membuang jauh-jauh rasa ragumu itu, karena jika anda menerapkan seo dengan baik maka blog anda akan lebih cepat berkembang. Sebenarnya rasa ragu-ragu untuk para blogger baru adalah sebuah hal yang wajar karena mungkin masih awam, Namun anda harus melihat beberapa efek yang akan ditimbulkan saat anda menerapkan seo dengan baik di blog anda, dan berikut adalah beberapa efek yang bisa anda dapatkan saat anda menerapkan seo dengan baik di blog anda.
1. Traffic dari google akan meningkat
2. Lebih mudah masuk ke page one search engine google
3. Blog akan lebih cepat terindeks
4. Lebih mudah diterima adsense
5. Terhindar dari pembatasan iklan adsense karena traffic tidak valid
6. Blog akan lebih cepat besar
7. Blog akan memiliki kredibillitas yang tinggi
8. Dan masih banyak efek bagus lainya

Bagaimana cara untuk belajar seo dan saya harus mulai dari mana?

Jika anda ingin serius belajar seo saya akan membantu anda untuk mempelajarinya sesuai pengetahuan saya, Mungkin materi pembelajaran seo yang akan saya berikan tidak sedetail dan selengkap jasa seo profesional tetapi paling tidak saya insyaalah akan memberikan pembelajaran tentang seo sesuai pengetahuan saya dan saya akan maksimalkan semaksimal mungkin.


Dari beberapa penjelasan tentang apakkah seo itu penting bagi blogger dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidaak ada alasan bahwa seo itu tidak penting jika anda ingin menjadi blogger yang berkembang dengan modal yang pas-pasan. Jika anda modal untuk membeli paid traffic atau traffic dari iklan google pun anda tetap harus menerapkan seo karena anda tidak mungkin menggunakan paid traffic secara terus menerus, jadi tidak ada alasan seo itu tidak penting untuk blogger.
Demikian artikel tentang apakah seo itu penting untuk blogger, semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua. Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke blog tamatekno, jika ada pertanyaan silahkan cantumkan di kolom komentar.

Units won't deploy randomly in Artifact 2.0

I’m enjoying how all the headlines around Artifact‘s upcoming comeback are about what it won’t do. It won’t sell you cards, and it won’t make you play on one lane at a time. ‘It won’t die in a fire like it did before’, promise.
We now know a lot more about how the revamped game will actually work. Random deployment is gone, with creeps spawning in predictable positions while Heroes can be plopped wherever you like. The infinite board is gone, too, as each of the three lanes can now only fit five units. This seems… promising?
Valve explain the changes on their blog. Here are the basics:
“The board still has 3 lanes, but each lane is exactly 5 slots. The slots also have a fixed position, so adding units on either end of the lane doesn’t shift the positions of any units. There are some rules for deploying on top of units if the lane gets too full or if there’s just something in your way, which you’ll find at the end of this post.”
Those rules include destroying units by playing new ones on top of them, which is interesting. I’m immediately thinking about how that’s different to Legends Of Runeterra, where I’ve occasionally filled up my board with crappy spiders and had no way of removing them.
Tarot readings got COMPLICATED.
The real big change, though, is that you can now deploy heroes to specific locations. You used to just pick a lane and hope they didn’t go head to head against something that could kill them. It still involved mind games, but with a big dollop of chance. You’re now asked to make much more specific predictions, which is enticing, and you deploy to one lane at time. (This is a bit confusing: previous blog posts suggested you’d have access to all lanes at once, but we now know deploying to lanes is done sequentially rather than all at the same time. Presumably the “all lanes at once” part kicks in when you start playing non-hero cards.)
I’ve always liked just how much Artifact has going on, because in other card games I wind up playing decks without really thinking about them. Outside of constructed mode, Artifact matches tended to feel like they were won or lost based on how I played my cards, rather than which ones I had access to. The proof will be in the playable pudding, but it looks like that might be even more true of Artifact 2.0.There’s a specific order to this, and I won’t attempt to recap how it all works when you could just look at Valve’s useful diagrams. I do like how they present situations and talk through a hypothetical player’s reasoning, because that reasoning sounds familiar and appealing. As my Artifact review will tell you, I liked old Artifact a lot. These are the kind of decisions I was already making, but they don’t involve weighing up odds.
Valve still haven’t said when they’ll start letting people in, but I sure hope it’s soon.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Dota 2 Patch 7.17: Winners and Losers

The last DPC even of the year is over and Team Liquid had the last laugh. They couldn’t win a Major throughout the season but did manage to take the plaudits in Shanghai at the Dota 2 Supermajor. Valve did mention that all patches after this will be balance patches and that is what patch 7.17 is. Although it is supposed to be a balance patch, it does take into account a lot of heroes. The impact of this patch will be felt on the upcoming TI 8 Open Qualifiers and Regional Qualifiers. Let’s see who got a good deal and who will be left sulking..


1) Abaddon

* Abaddon: Level 10 Talent increased from +20% XP to +25%

* Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +60 Mist Coil Heal/Damage to +75

* Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +8

After a popular stint about a year back, Abaddon has not been a very common pick. Not that he isn’t played at all, but only in 245 professional games this season. The problem with the hero is he lacks the initiation most offlaners have. However, the buffs have been racking up on the hero since the last few patches and with longer games incoming, Radiance Abaddon could soon have a position in the meta.

2) Ancient Apparition

* Ancient Apparition: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 Gold/Min to +90

AA was a very common pick a couple of months back. I remember Kyle mentioning at DAC 2018 that Tiny-AA was the best opening in Dota at that time. A few nerfs saw the hero go down the pecking order, nut I believe +90 GPM at level 10 is a big impetus for picking him. He is one of those position 5 heroes that benefits a lot from an Aghanim’s Scepter and the bonus gold helps a lot.

3) Clinkz

* Clinkz: Base armor increased by 1

* Clinkz: Strafe dodge now works against non-player units

* Clinkz: Strafe attack speed increased from 80/140/200/260 to 110/160/210/260

I guess the only way to make Clinkz viable in the meta is by declaring the team that picks Clinkz as the winner. And even with that, I’m not sure he will be picked! That is how much he has been ignored this season. With just 3 games to his name since 7.08 and the biweekly patches began, Clinkz is the least pick hero in the professional meta along with Necropos and Riki. The firey skeleton has been buffed time and again and I believe it is only a matter of time when teams suddenly realize how good the hero is. The increase in armor gives him better lane sustain and the attack speed increase for early levels of Strafe improves early pick off and tower taking potential.

4) Crystal Maiden

* Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8

* Crystal Maiden: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150

The only other hero that has +150 GPM at level 15 is Phenix. CM joins him in the elite club. Tal ‘Fly’ Aizik already mentioned a few patches ago the hero was close to making a comeback. Maybe this is the patch that tips the scales in her favor. 150 is a lot of gold for a position 5!

5) Enchantress

* Enchantress: Nature’s Attendants cooldown reduced from 45 to 35

* Enchantress: Enchant slow rescaled from 3/4/5/6 to 3.75/4.5/5.25/6

Like a lot of changes, these buffs are targeted towards the laning stages. More sustain with heal, more killing potential with increased slow. Would be interesting to run a baby sitting Ench with max heal, because that heal is considerable amount.

6) Enigma

* Enigma: Demonic Conversion manacost reduced from 170 to 140/150/160/170

* Enigma: Demonic Conversion Eidolon HP regen increased from 0.25 to 4

It is a bad jungling meta with the reduced XP and gold, but these changes to Demonic Conversion really make it enticing to take Enigma to the jungle. Well, the also can be put to use in the lane, but the major advantage will be see in the jungle with the Eidolons having more survivability.

7) Huskar

* Huskar: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Inner Vitality Cooldown to Burning Spears Pure and Pierces Immunity

* Huskar: Level 25 Talent increased from +125 Attack Range to +150

This is definitely something Huskar needed. Huskar lineups usually aim for the early game, finish the game before the enemy cores have a chance to come online. But incase that does not happen, Husk falls off and the game is lost. Well timed BKBs make his ultimate totally ineffective and the damage from Burning Spears is negated as well. Burning Spears turning to Pure changes that. The damage cannot even be mitigated with a Hood or Pipe. The only thing is, level 25 might be a bit too late for it. It is good change no doubt, but I wonder if that will shoot up the pick rate for Huskar.

8) Lich

* Lich: Frost Blast attack slow increased from -20 to -30

* Lich: Frost Blast cooldown reduced from 8 to 7

* Lich: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200

Steals XP from the opposition, provides armor to the carry and makes enemies crawl. What more do you want? The dual buff to Frost Blast makes Lich a scary proposition in lane.

9) Magnus

* Magnus: Base strength increased by 1

* Magnus: Skewer slow increased from 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 to 3.25

* Magnus: Shockwave damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

The buff to Shockwave makes it equivalent to Lina’s Dragon Slave (Which has a damage of85/160/235/310). It has less AoE, but a lot lesser mana as well with just 90 mana at all levels. Makes last hitting and harassing a lot easier in lane. And if anyone is to be taken back into tower range with Skewer, the increased slow probably means an extra attack taken from the tower.

10) Necrophos

* Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +16% Ghost Shroud Slow to +20%

* Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown to -2.5s

* Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from +0.6 heartstopper Aura to +0.8

Along with Clinkz, Necro has been the least picked hero since the turn of 7.08 with 3 games to his name. That is rough. The buffs he has received are good no doubt, but unlike most heroes, these are targeted towards the latter stages of the game. What Necro will need to make a comeback is something that helps him more in the early game. The level 25 talents are pretty cool though. 2.5 second Death Pulse cooldown and 3.1% Heartstopper Aura. For someone like a tanky Spectre with 3000 HP, that is 93 damage per second!

11) Phantom Assassin

* Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger slow rescaled from 1/2/3/4 seconds to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4

* Phantom Assassin: Level 20 Talent improved from Double Strike Stifling Dagger to Triple Strike Stifling Dagger

At some point, IceFrog and Valve need to realize how much ever they buff PA, she will not be a common pick in the professional meta. But she is crazy strong in pubs. Triple Strike Stifling Dagger? Imagine triple critting the enemy when they try to seize high ground. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand.

12) Phoenix

* Phoenix: Supernova stun duration from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/2.5/3.0

A 3 second AoE stun? That’s more than Ravage! I know it is a more difficult to land, but 3 seconds is a big time. Finding the perfect combo, like a Chrono, to make sure the Supernova goes off could be a gank turner.

13) Pudge

* Pudge: Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +30% XP

* Pudge: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Damage to +12% Rot Slow

30% XP increase is something that will propel Pudge to further levels and get to the Rot Slow and +180 GPM/ 15% Cooldown Reduction quicker.

14) Tiny

* Tiny: Base movement speed increased from 280 to 285

* Tiny: Tree Throw splash damage increased from 130% to 150%

* Tiny: Grow Status Resistance increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%

The Stone Giant was nerfed and never seen again after 7.14. With the buffs in 7.16 and 7.17, Tiny might be back but with the top teams not playing again till TI 8, you can’t be sure. Additionally, the main thing about Tiny was the 100% cleave which helped him farm really fast. Without that, I’m not sure teams will go there.


1) Bane

* Bane: Base damage reduced by 2

* Bane: Brain Sap manacost increased from 70/100/130/160 to 90/115/140/165

Bane is a lane winner if there ever was one. High base damage for harassing, decent armor and a pure damage skill (that heals for the damage!) to start with. Had to be brought down a notch. Although I don’t see this affecting his pick rate.

2) Clockwerk

* Clockwerk: Base damage reduced by 4

Combine this nerf with the increased mana cost for Cogs in 7.16 and it puts a dent in Clockwerk’s claim as a priority pick.

3) Gyrocopter

* Gyrocopter: Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Flak Cannon Attacks to +0.5s Homing Missile Stun Duration

* Gyrocopter: Level 20 Talent reduced from +45 Movement Speed to +40

Gyro has been nerfed time and again but he keeps being picked and he keeps winning! Gyro has been picked 772 times this season with a win rate of 53.24%. This here, is a considerable nerf as the talent of +3 Flak Cannon Attacks was picked nearly 100% of the time. The extra charges help in fighting and in team fight. Hopefully, this does actually affects him.

4) Io

* Io: Spirits damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/40/60/80

* Io: Tether movement speed reduced from 7/10/13/16 to 5/8/11/14%

* Io: Level 10 Talent reduced from +60 Damage to +45

* Io: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20 Health Regen to +15

Since 7.12, Io has been banned so many games that the ball has been picked in only 55 games. And of those, Io has won 40 with a win rate of 73.72%! Like Bane, it won’t deter teams from picking the hero, but it will make it a bit easier to win against it.

5) Night Stalker

* Night Stalker: Crippling Fear cooldown increased from 12 to 24/20/16/12

* Night Stalker: Void cooldown increased from 8 to 11/10/9/8

7.16 saw the change that Void would not apply a mini stun during the day. The Void cooldown is a bigger nerf than Crippling Fear. A lot of times, getting off a last ditch Void is the difference between getting a kill and getting killed. 3 seconds may not seem a lot, but it sure is in the laning stage.

6) Sand King

* Sand King: Base damage reduced by 3

* Sand King: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 21/24/27/30% to 15/20/25/30%

What needs to be done to keep Sand King down and out? The hero has become a comfort hero for so many teams that even with so many nerfs, he keeps getting picked. And SK isn’t even a very successful hero at that. The most played hero of the season with 1162 games, SK’s win rate is 45.18%. But teams keep going towards him, despite of the below average win rate and nerfs. Like most changes, SK’s nerf is targeted towards the early game. Hopefully, it’ll make him stay in his Burrow and not Strike in the foreseeable future.

Although there were a lot of changes, most of them were minor ones. These were the ones I thought would have more of an impact on the game. With Open Qualifiers and Regional Qualifiers all happening within the next two weeks, it will be interesting to see if teams decide to stick to what they know or experiment on a few things based on Dota 2 7.17!

Friday, July 14, 2017

The teams of the International 2017, part one

Take the world’s largest crowd-funded tournament, the largest and most difficult MOBA, and 90 of the hardest-working and most talented gamers in the world, and put them in Seattle for two weeks. What you’ll get is The International 7, the biggest Dota 2—and esports—tournament, held annually by the game’s developers, Valve. 
This LAN is quickly drawing closer, and what is a tournament without its participants? Qualifiers for all regions have concluded, and the eighteen teams that will attend The International’s main event in mid-August have been decided. 
Six teams were directly invited by Valve:
OG (Europe) 
Virtus Pro (Commonwealth of Independent States) 
Evil Geniuses (North America) 
Team Liquid (Europe) 
Newbee (China) 
Invictus Gaming (China) 

Regions were given certain numbers of qualifier spots as follows: three each for China and Southeast Asia, two each for Europe and North America, one for South America and one for CIS. Here, we’ll be taking a look at the two Eastern regions, China and Southeast Asia, and the teams that are preparing to cross the world to fight for the Aegis of Champions.
If there’s any sign that the Chinese region has become quite competitive, it would be the regional qualifiers. Not unlike the years before it, some renown names and even top teams were pushed out in the group stage, including VG.J, which was one of the strongest squads several months ago, and EHOME, a famous regional banner. 
But first and foremost, there are the teams handed direct invites, which are the most likely choices among those battling for respect in the country. 
First, and most impressively throughout the 2016-2017 competitive season, is Newbee, with its entirely different squad than the banner’s TI4-winning run. With consistent appearances at the top events in the world, his fresh team has proven their year-round strength that clearly caught Valve’s eye. They’ve placed in most of their tournaments since The International, minus the Kiev Major 2017, where they fell to European TI7 direct invite Team Liquid in the single elimination bracket’s first round. Their main worry, though, is that they keep losing their top spots to other teams at events of the highest caliber. This doesn’t mean that they can’t pull it together for a winning push at TI, of course.
Photo credit: Newbee
Their strongest regional competitor is Invictus Gaming, which earned the other Chinese direct invite, similarly a former TI-winning banner with a revamped squad. In recent months, they’ve performed beyond expectations, especially with a solid victory against OG in the Dota 2 Asian Championships. While their performance hasn’t always been completely consistent, they’ve done well enough to be considered one of the top in the region. 
The qualifiers were as tough as the season itself for many Chinese teams, but there must be a winner. 
None other than IG.Vitality came first. The sister squad to IG has performed fairly well throughout the year, with star players such as InJuly and up-and-coming Paparazi giving the team a reputation as a powerhouse of its own. While they lacked the sort of strength that gave their main squad its invite, they’ve been present and held their own at many events throughout the year. It paid off, as they took the top score in the China Qualifier’s round robin stages, earning the region’s first qualifying spot.
For the first time in Dota 2, two Philippines-based squads will be attending the same Valve event
Soon after came phase two, where two teams under the same organization worked their way into the main event. First came LGD.ForeverYoung, a team well-mixed with up-and-comers as well as DotA veterans. In their most recent events, they’ve placed well, even rivalling their organization’s primary team, LGD Gaming. (Actually, LFY took the qualifier spot from LGD in both the Epicenter and Mars Dota 2 League qualifiers.) This banner also qualified for the Boston Major and continued to the second round of the single-elimination, but they shuffled in mid-May to much recent success. 
Their older sibling org, LGD Gaming, eventually caught up in the final part of the qualifiers. LGD recently won their first LAN in years at MDL, and it was no small deal. The other teams they had to take on included European squad OG, and that wasn’t even in the Grand Finals (they took fourth). LGD also managed to top LFY and Chinese top pick Newbee, which placed second and third respectively at the event, to take the win. While the team didn’t show up for the event, they qualified for Galaxy Battles as well, and so they’re likely going to be a threat in Seattle. 
With similar difficulty (and the same format) came the Southeast Asia qualifiers, stacked with teams and players passionate about—and fighting hard for—a spot in the main event. While none of the teams in this region managed to snag an invite, Valve has extended an invitation for three teams that can fight through the regional qualifiers. And, for the first time in Dota 2, two Philippines-based squads will be attending the same Valve event, though this is pending the question, and consistent issue, of USA travel visa acquisition.
Photo credit: Twitch
For SEA, the team that took the round robin phase was none other than TNC Pro Team, one of the premier squads of the region. TNC has been an international underdog since their TI6 run, and they’ve been a favorite of the passionate region since. Only three of their teammates remain today: Carlo “Kuku” Palad, Marc Polo Luis Fausto or “Raven” and Samson Solomon Enojosa Hidalgo or “Sam_H,” with Theeban “1437” Silva from Canada and Filipino legend Timothy “Tims” Randrup now helping to lead the charge. In what’s considered a difficult region, TNC has managed to assert their presence within the top tier of SEA squads, and so their TI7 qualification is certainly no joke.
The next to rise up is Fnatic. While European at the organisation's roots, the franchise has planted its Dota 2 fortress in SEA, where it’s had mixed but notable success. Now, the team has an international mix, with former two Korean MVP.Phoenix squad members, Kim Seon-yeop “QO” and Kim “Febby” Yong-min, along with two Malaysian players and a Filipino player. The team’s only been able to play together at the Zotac Cup Masters in June, but the fact that this team could qualify in such a difficult reason speaks volumes about their potential. 
Last, but certainly not least, comes Execration from the lower bracket. The organization has had its share of well-qualified players, but, much like other teams from the region, faced visa issues that prevented their team from success, specifically at the Boston Major. They were unable to perform well and shuffled just in time for the open qualifier. This newly-formed crew clearly worked well together, as they beat the former regional champions Clutch Gamers, and they even beat Team Faceless in the group stage. The team has a lot to look forward to during its big showing at TI7’s main event.
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Monday, December 19, 2016

How to Fix Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator Error

How to Fix Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator Error

Dota 2 Reborn is facing many problems including lags, bugs and now a days almost all Dota 2 Gamers are facing a new issue. When they start the game they receive an error “Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator“. With this issue, users can not find any game normally and its like your Dota 2 has not connected to Dota 2 network.
So here are few tricks which can fix your “Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator” issue. It is also possible that next time you launch Dota 2, you may face this issue again. 1st 2 methods are temporary solutions whereas method 3 is permanent solution. Right now if you think that there might be some fix by official Dota 2 developers, then you are wrong and you may need to wait for a long time to get a permanent solution from Steam + Valve.

Method 1

Follow these simple steps to get rid of Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator issue.
  1. Sign in to Steam and start Dota 2
  2. If your Dota 2 Start with “Connecting to Dota 2 Game Coordinator” error, then click on “Play Dota 2” in bottom right corner and select “Practice with Bots” and in next option select “Solo”.
  3. Now start your game and select any hero.
  4. Now load and enter the game
  5. Now come to main Dota 2 Screen by pressing Down button in top left corner while you are in game.
  6. Disconnect the game by clicking on “Disconnect” button in bottom right corner.
  7. Enjoy, your issue is solved now and you can search for normal game now 🙂

Method 2

Alternately you can also get rid of this issue by Going to Learn tab and then starting a Learn game in left most column. You will have to follow all steps from step #3 – 7.
If you do not understand anything given in above lines, then just watch this video below and I hope this issue is solved for you.

Method 3

This is a permanent solution
1. If Dota 2 and Steam are running, close it.
2. Right click Steam icon on your desktop and then click “Properties
3. You will see “Target“and this address will be present there. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe
How to fix Dota 2 Game Coordinators
4. Now at the end of this line, add space and “-tcp“. It will become like this.“C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe” -tcp
How to fix Dota 2 Game Coordinators
5. Click “Apply” then click “Ok
6. Now launch Steam then start Dota 2 normally.
7. Your issue must be fixed by now 🙂

Method 4

This is a permanent solution
This may sound strange to you but its one of the best and permanent method to get rid of connecting to Dota 2 game coordinator error. Download this software WTFast for free. Run this software and then run your game and start feeling the difference. Annoying connecting to Dota 2 game coordinator error will be gone for ever. How ? This is a software specially developed for the sole purpose of reducing pings, lags and improving connection with game servers.
Credits : Thanks Krocodyle for sharing method 1 and Video Owner has rights for this video on Youtube for method 2 and Asia3CTech Admin for sharing method 3.